what can hamster eat or avoid?

Have you been wondering what food to feed your pet hamster? If you’ve asked any of these questions, then this food list is for you!

  • What can hamsters eat?
  • What can my hamster eat?
  • What food can I feed my hamster?
  • What vegetables can hamsters eat?
  • What fruits can hamsters eat?
  • What human food can hamsters eat?
  • What nuts can hamsters eat?

We have prepared a quick, no-beating-about-the-bush compilation of what you can feed your hamster. This list covers foods in the following categories: meats, seafood, fruits, vegetables, dairy and eggs, grains, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices and condiments, sweets and snacks, insects, worms, and weird and nontraditional foods the average curious hamster owner wants to feed to their pet. Let us know if we’ve missed anything.

Remember, Hamsters have their unique nutritional requirements and feeding habits distinct from those of other pets. Understanding these needs is crucial for maintaining their health and well-being. Here’s a quick overview:

Nutritional Requirements:

  • Balanced Diet: Hamsters are omnivores, requiring a mix of grains, vegetables, and protein. A high-quality commercial hamster mix typically provides a balanced base diet consisting of seeds, grains, cracked corn, and pellets.
  • Protein: Animal protein is an important part of a hamster’s diet. Small amounts of boiled eggs, mealworms, or crickets can supplement their protein intake.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: Fresh fruits and vegetables can provide essential vitamins and minerals. However, these should be given in moderation due to their high sugar and water content, which can cause diarrhea if overconsumed.
  • Fiber: Adequate fiber is crucial for digestive health. The fiber in their pellet mix and small amounts of hay can help maintain a healthy digestive system.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Hamsters need various vitamins and minerals, especially Vitamin C, as some species cannot produce them themselves. Ensure their diet includes vitamin C-rich foods or supplements as a vet recommends.
  • Water: Fresh, clean water must always be available, typically provided in a drip-feed bottle to keep it clean.

Feeding Habits:

  • Regular Feeding Schedule: Feeding hamsters simultaneously each day helps maintain a routine. They typically require feeding once or twice a day.
  • Moderation is Key: Overfeeding, especially with high-fat seeds or sugary fruits, can lead to obesity and health issues. Portion control is important.
  • Food Storage: Hamsters have cheek pouches for storing food. They often hide food around their cage for later consumption. Regular cage cleaning is necessary to remove old or hidden food and prevent spoilage and bacterial growth.
  • Chew Toys: Hamsters need to gnaw to keep their constantly growing teeth at a manageable length. Providing chew sticks or untreated wood toys can help meet this need.

Other Considerations:

  • Age and Health: Nutritional needs can vary with age and health. For example, pregnant or nursing hamsters and young pups have higher protein requirements.
  • Diet Variety: While a commercial hamster mix can provide a balanced diet, adding variety through safe fruits, vegetables, and occasional treats can prevent boredom and promote nutritional balance.
  • Avoid Toxic Foods: Certain foods, including onions, garlic, chocolate, and any sugary or processed human foods, are toxic to hamsters.

You can use the CTRL+F button or your browser’s “Search” function to find the food item you are contemplating feeding your hamster. 

Can Hamsters Eat Grapes

Yes, hamsters can eat grapes in moderation, but they should be given sparingly due to their high sugar content.

Can Hamsters Eat Strawberries

Yes, hamsters can enjoy strawberries as an occasional treat, ensuring they are fresh and properly washed.

Can Hamsters Eat Bananas

Yes, bananas are safe for hamsters, but only in small amounts due to their sugar content.

Can Hamsters Eat Blueberries

Yes, hamsters can eat blueberries; they are a nutritious snack when fed in moderation.

Can Hamsters Eat Carrots

Yes, carrots are good for hamsters and provide essential nutrients.

Can Hamsters Eat Cheese

Yes, but cheese should be offered sparingly to hamsters due to its high-fat content.

Can Hamsters Eat Salami

No, hamsters should not eat salami as it is high in fat and salt.

Can Hamsters Eat Tomatoes

Yes, but only ripe tomatoes and in very small amounts to avoid stomach upset.

Can Hamsters Eat Apples

Yes, apples are safe for hamsters, but remove the seeds as they can be toxic.

what can hamsters eat?

Can Hamsters Eat Celery

Yes, but it should be cut into small pieces to prevent choking.

Can Hamsters Eat Cucumber

Yes, cucumbers are safe and hydrating for hamsters, making them a great treat.

Can Hamsters Eat Lettuce

Yes, but choose dark leafy varieties like romaine instead of iceberg, which has little nutritional value.

Can Hamsters Eat Watermelon

Yes, in small quantities, as its high water content can cause diarrhea.

Can Hamsters Eat Broccoli

Yes, hamsters can eat broccoli, but it should be given in moderation to avoid gas.

Can Hamsters Eat Bread

Yes, but only plain, whole-grain bread in very small amounts.

Can Hamsters Eat Oranges

No, oranges are too acidic for hamsters and can cause health issues.

Can Hamsters Eat Peanut Butter

Yes, but only in tiny amounts due to its stickiness and high-fat content.

Can Hamsters Eat Spinach

Yes, spinach is nutritious, but it should be offered in moderation due to oxalates, which can affect calcium absorption.

Can Hamsters Eat Almonds

No, almonds, especially bitter almonds, can be toxic to hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Lettuce Leaves,

Yes, in moderation, particularly dark leafy greens like romaine or red leaf lettuce.

Can Hamsters Eat Raspberries

Yes, raspberries can be a healthy treat in moderation due to their antioxidants.

Can Hamsters Eat Apple

Yes, but ensure it is seedless and in small quantities to prevent diabetes.

Can Hamsters Eat Bell Peppers

Yes, bell peppers are safe and can provide vitamin C, but avoid the seeds and stem.

Can Hamsters Eat Blackberries

Yes, blackberries are safe for hamsters when given in moderation.

Can Hamsters Eat Cabbage

Yes, but only in very small amounts to prevent gas and diarrhea.

Can Hamsters Eat Cherries

Yes, without pits and stems, and in moderation, as cherries are safe for hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Chocolate

No, chocolate is toxic to hamsters and should be strictly avoided.

Can Hamsters Eat Meat

Yes, but only lean meats like chicken, and it should be cooked and unsalted.

Can Hamsters Eat Peanuts

Yes, but unsalted peanuts should be given sparingly due to high fat.

Can Hamsters Eat Popcorn

Yes, but only plain, air-popped popcorn and in small quantities.

Can Hamsters Eat Chicken

Yes, cooked and unseasoned chicken can be a protein source for hamsters in small amounts.

Can Hamsters Eat Eggs

Yes, hard-boiled or scrambled eggs are a good protein source, served in moderation.

Can Hamsters Eat Mango

Yes, mango is safe in small pieces and sparingly due to its high sugar level.

what can hamsters eat list

Can Hamsters Eat Pineapple

Yes, but only in very small amounts and occasionally, as its acidity can cause issues.

Can Hamsters Eat Raisins

Yes, but only one or two at a time due to high sugar content.

Can Hamsters Eat Spaghetti

Yes, but only plain, cooked spaghetti and as a rare treat.

Can Hamsters Eat Walnuts

Yes, walnuts can be offered sparingly as a treat due to their high-fat content.

Can Hamsters Eat Avocado

No, avocado is not recommended for hamsters due to its high-fat content and potential toxicity.

Can Hamsters Eat Broccoli Raw

Yes, hamsters can eat raw broccoli in small amounts to prevent gas.

Can Hamsters Eat Cantaloupe

Yes, cantaloupe is safe for hamsters when given in small, manageable pieces.

Can Hamsters Eat Cilantro

Yes, cilantro can be a flavorful addition to a hamster’s diet in moderation.

Can Hamsters Eat Green Beans

Yes, green beans are safe and nutritious for hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Kale

Yes, but only in small quantities to avoid digestive issues.

Can Hamsters Eat Peaches

Yes, but ensure they are ripe and remove the pit before feeding.

Can Hamsters Eat Asparagus

Yes, in moderation, as it’s a healthy vegetable option for hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Corn

Yes, but only in small amounts and preferably fresh rather than canned.

Can Hamsters Eat Crackers

Yes, but only plain, unsalted crackers and very sparingly.

Can Hamsters Eat Guinea Pig Food

No, hamster dietary needs differ from guinea pigs, so their food may not be suitable.

Can Hamsters Eat Pistachios

Yes, but only unsalted and in moderation due to high-fat content.

Can Hamsters Eat Pumpkin Seeds

Yes, but ensure they are clean and unsalted.

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Can Hamsters Eat Rice

Yes, but only plain, cooked rice and in small amounts.

Can Hamsters Eat Sunflower Seeds

Yes, they are a favorite treat but should be given in moderation due to high fat.

Can Hamsters Eat Zucchini

Yes, zucchini is safe and can be a hydrating vegetable for hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Banana

Yes, bananas are safe in small amounts due to their high sugar content.

Can Hamsters Eat Brussel Sprouts

Yes, but only in moderation to prevent gas.

Can Hamsters Eat Cashews

Yes, unsalted cashews are fine in small amounts.

Can Hamsters Eat Cauliflower

Yes, in moderate,on to avoid causing gas.

Can Hamsters Eat Kiwi

Yes, but only a tiny amount due to high sugar and acid.

Can Hamsters Eat Mealworms

Yes, they are a good protein source, but they should be given sparingly.

Can Hamsters Eat Mushrooms

No, some mushrooms can be toxic, so it’s best to avoid them.

Can Hamsters Eat Parsley

Yes, it’s safe and can add variety to their diet.

Can Hamsters Eat Pears

Yes, in small amounts and without the seeds.

Can Hamsters Eat Pecans

Yes, but sparingly due to high fat.

Can Hamsters Eat Peppers

Yes, bell peppers are safe in small amounts.

Can Hamsters Eat Potatoes

No, raw potatoes contain solanine, which is toxic.

Can Hamsters Eat Pumpkin

Yes, but in moderation and ensure it’s plain.

Can Hamsters Eat Rabbit Food

No, rabbit food doesn’t meet hamsters’ nutritional needs.

Can Hamsters Eat Radish

Yes, in small quantities as a treat.

Can Hamsters Eat Radishes

Yes, they can eat radishes sparingly due to their spicy nature.

Can Hamsters Eat Bell Pepper

Yes, bell peppers are safe and nutritious.

Can Hamsters Eat Cheerios

Yes, but only plain Cheerios and very sparingly.

Can Hamsters Eat Dandelions

Yes, they’re safe and nutritious.

Can Hamsters Eat French Fries

No, they are too fatty and salty.

Can Hamsters Eat Grass

Yes, but ensure it’s not treated with pesticides.

Can Hamsters Eat Hay

Yes, timothy hay is beneficial for their digestion.

Can Hamsters Eat Human Food

It depends on the food; some are safe in moderation, while others should be avoided.

Can Hamsters Eat Nuts

Yes, but only unsalted nuts and in moderation.

Can Hamsters Eat Oats

Yes, plain oats are a good source of fiber.

Can Hamsters Eat Pasta

Yes, but only plain, cooked pasta and occasionally.

Can Hamsters Eat Romaine Lettuce

Yes, it’s a preferred lettuce due to its nutritional value.

Can Hamsters Eat Sweet Potato

Yes, in small amounts and cooked without any additives.

Can Hamsters Eat Timothy Hay

Yes, it’s good for their diet and dental health.

Can Hamsters Eat Veg

Yes, many vegetables are safe and healthy for hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Cherrys

Yes, but remove the pits and offer in moderation due to sugar content.

Can Hamsters Eat Cranberries

Yes, cranberries are safe in moderation and unsweetened.

Can Hamsters Eat Green Peppers

Yes, green bell peppers are nutritious and safe for hamsters.

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Can Hamsters Eat Ham

No, processed meats are unhealthy for hamsters due to high salt and fat.

Can Hamsters Eat Honey

Yes, but very sparingly because of its high sugar content.

Can Hamsters Eat Iceberg Lettuce

No, it’s not toxic, but it offers little nutritional value and can cause diarrhea.

Can Hamsters Eat Peas

Yes, peas are nutritious and safe for hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Pomegranate

Yes, in very small amounts, as it’s high in sugar.

Can Hamsters Eat Raw Broccoli

Yes, but in moderation to avoid gas.

Can Hamsters Eat Shrimp

No, it’s best to avoid seafood for hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Squash

Yes, squash is safe and healthy for hamsters in moderation.

Can Hamsters Eat Arugula

Yes, arugula can be included in their diet in small amounts.

Can Hamsters Eat Basil

Yes, basil is safe and can add variety to their diet.

Can Hamsters Eat Bird Food

No, bird food does not meet the nutritional needs of hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Cherry Tomatoes

Yes, but only in small amounts, and ensure they are ripe; avoid the leaves and stem

Can Hamsters Eat Coconut

Yes, in small amounts, as it’s high in fat.

Can Hamsters Eat Crickets

Yes, crickets can be a protein source, but only occasionally.

Can Hamsters Eat Grape

Yes, grapes are safe but should be given sparingly.

Can Hamsters Eat Green Bell Peppers

Yes, green bell peppers are nutritious and safe for hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Melon

Yes, melon is safe in moderation, but remove any seeds first.

Can Hamsters Eat Onions

No, onions are toxic to hamsters and can cause blood problems.

Can Hamsters Eat Pecan Nuts

Yes, but only unsalted and in moderation due to high fat.

Can Hamsters Eat Pickles

No, pickles are too acidic and salty for hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Pretzels

No, pretzels are too salty and not suitable for hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Red Peppers

Yes, red bell peppers are safe and provide vitamin C.

Can Hamsters Eat Turkey

Yes, but only cooked, unseasoned turkey in small amounts.

Can Hamsters Eat Acorns

No, acorns can be toxic and pose a choking hazard.

Can Hamsters Eat Almond

No, almonds, especially bitter almonds, can be toxic.

Can Hamsters Eat Bacon

No, bacon is too fatty and salty for hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Boiled Eggs

Yes, boiled eggs are a good protein source in moderation.

Can Hamsters Eat Chickpeas

Yes, but only cooked and unsalted chickpeas in moderation.

Can Hamsters Eat Dog Food

No, dog food does not meet the nutritional requirements of hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Fries

No, fries are too greasy and salty for hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Goldfish

Yes,  but it’s best to avoid feeding another pet to your hamster.

Can Hamsters Eat Grapes with Skin

Yes, but ensure they are cut into small pieces to prevent choking.

Can Hamsters Eat Green Grapes

Yes, green grapes are safe in moderation.

Can Hamsters Eat Kiwi Fruit

Yes, but only in very small amounts due to high sugar.

Can Hamsters Eat Mangoes

Yes, mangoes are safe in small, manageable pieces.

Can Hamsters Eat Nectarines

Yes, but without the pit and in moderation.

Can Hamsters Eat Plums

Yes, without the pits and in moderation.

what should hamsters avoid?

Can Hamsters Eat Potato

No, raw potatoes contain solanine, which is toxic.

Can Hamsters Eat Rat Food

No, rat food may not meet the nutritional needs of hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Snap Peas

Yes, snap peas are safe and can be a healthy snack.

Can Hamsters Eat Yogurt

Yes, but only plain, unsweetened yogurt and in very small amounts.

Can Hamsters Eat Apple Skin

Yes, apple skin is safe as long as the apple is organic and washed.

Ensure the apple is free of pesticides and offered in small amounts.

Can Hamsters Eat Bird Seed

Yes, but it should not replace their specialized diet; offer only as a treat.

Can Hamsters Eat Cashew Nuts

Yes, but only unsalted and in moderation due to their high-fat content.

Can Hamsters Eat Cheez Its

No, Cheez Its are too salty and processed for hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Chicken Nuggets

No, chicken nuggets are too greasy and not suitable for hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Dried Cranberries

Yes, but only in very small quantities because of the sugar content.

Can Hamsters Eat Fish

No, fish is not a natural part of a hamster’s diet and should be avoided.

Can Hamsters Eat Green Apples

Yes, but in moderation and ensure they are cut into small pieces.

Can Hamsters Eat Green Peas

Yes, green peas are safe and can be a nutritious addition to their diet.

Can Hamsters Eat Hard Boiled Eggs

Yes, hard-boiled eggs are a good protein source, but only in small amounts.

Can Hamsters Eat Marshmallows

No, marshmallows are too sugary and not healthy for hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Mouse Food

No, mouse food might not meet the specific nutritional needs of hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Noodles

Yes, but only plain, cooked noodles and in very small amounts.

Can Hamsters Eat Pancakes

No, pancakes are too sugary and may contain ingredients that are harmful to hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat People Food

It depends on the food; some human foods are safe in moderation, while others should be avoided.

Can Hamsters Eat Rose Petals

Yes, rose petals are safe as long as they’re free from pesticides and chemicals.

Can Hamsters Eat Sugar Snap Peas

Yes, in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Can Hamsters Eat Cardboard

Yes, hamsters can chew on plain, untreated cardboard as it helps with their teeth, but they shouldn’t “eat” it.

Can Hamsters Eat Cat Food

No, cat food is formulated for carnivores and doesn’t meet the dietary needs of omnivorous hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Cheddar Cheese

Yes, but only in very small amounts due to its high fat content.

Can Hamsters Eat Chia Seeds

Yes, chia seeds can be a nutritious addition in tiny amounts.

Can Hamsters Eat Clover

Yes, clover is safe and can be part of their foraging.

Can Hamsters Eat Flowers

Yes, but it depends on what type of flowers. It’s important to ensure the flowers are safe and non-toxic to hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Honey Nut Cheerios

Yes, but sparingly due to the sugar content.

Can Hamsters Eat Honeydew Melon

Yes, but ensure it’s in small pieces and offered occasionally as a treat due to its sugar content.

Can Hamsters Eat Ice Cream

No, ice cream is too cold and sugary for hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Jicama

Yes, jicama is safe for hamsters in small amounts.

Can Hamsters Eat Onion

No, onions are toxic to hamsters and can cause blood issues.

Can Hamsters Eat Orange Peels

No, orange peels might contain pesticides and are too tough for hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Papaya

Yes, papaya can be offered in small, manageable pieces.

Can Hamsters Eat Pear

Yes, pears are safe in moderation, without the seeds.

Can Hamsters Eat Raw Pumpkin

Yes, but in small amounts and ensure it’s fresh.

Can Hamsters Eat Raw Pumpkin Seeds

Yes, but clean and unsalted.

Can Hamsters Eat Red Cabbage

Yes, in small amounts as part of a varied diet.

Can Hamsters Eat Ritz Crackers

No, they are too salty and not suitable for hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Salt

No, excessive salt is harmful to hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Steak

No, it’s not advisable due to high fat and the risk of seasoning toxicity.

Can Hamsters Eat Tortillas

Yes, but only plain and unseasoned, in very small amounts.

Can Hamsters Eat Watermelon Rind

Yes, but in very small amounts to prevent digestive issues.

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